



日期:2020-10-23 来源:环球日报网

Chen Xu's oil painting witnessing China's speed -- huoshenshan hospital

      In the face of the epidemic, our destiny is shared. China has supported one belt, one road along the way since the outbreak. The virus's "indiscriminate attack" on the world, regardless of race, region and national boundaries reminds people once again that in the face of global public health emergencies, human beings are a community of shared destiny. Work together to defeat the virus! Those who share the same desire win, and those who share the same weal and woe win. The artist takes painting and calligraphy as the first to show the feelings of a great country, and to convey the news and positive energy of common anti epidemic warm. Sunshine always comes after the rain. May the world be safe and the world be peaceful!


      陈许,著名油画家、雕塑家,现为中国美术家协会会员,广州大学硕士研究生导师,广东省人民政府文史研究馆油画雕塑院副院长、馆员,国家二级美术师,中央文史研究馆书画院南方分院原副院长,广东画院首批签约画家,供职保利长大工程有限公司,作品多次入选全国、省、市美展并获奖。其油画代表作品有:《晨》2004 年入选“中华人民共和国第十届全国美术作品展览”并获广东省庆祝建国五十五周年美术作品展览”优秀作品奖、2008 年入选广东省委统战部主办“纪念中国改革开放三十周年书画作品展览”并获一等奖;《有球场的小山村》2005 年入选“第六届全国体育美术作品展览”并获优秀作品奖,同时获“广东省体育美术展览”
      优秀作品奖,被中国奥林匹克委员会收藏;《伐木场》2006年入选广东美术五十年艺术大展获优秀作品奖,2007 年 11月入选中华人民共和国文化部主办的“第十四届群星奖”并获创作奖(最高奖);《海中的构成》2008 年入选“纪念中国改革开放三十周年全国美术作品展览”并获优秀作品奖(唯一奖项);《开平碉楼》2011 年 7 月入选“百年风云”广东近当代重大历史题材美术作品展并获优秀作品奖!
      A summary of Chen Xu's Art
      Chen Xu, a famous oil painter and sculptor, is now a member of China Artists Association, master's supervisor of Guangzhou University, vice president and librarian of oil painting and Sculpture Institute of Cultural History Research Institute of Guangdong Provincial People's government, national second-class artist, former vice president of southern branch of calligraphy and Painting Institute of Central Cultural History Research Institute, the first batch of contracted painters of Guangdong Academy of painting, and serves as poly grow Engineering Co., Ltd. with many works Selected in national, provincial and municipal art exhibitions and won awards. His representative oil paintings include: in 2004, morning was selected into the 10th National Art Works Exhibition of the people's Republic of China and won the excellent works award of Guangdong Province for celebrating the 55th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China; in 2008, it was selected into the first prize of "painting and calligraphy exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up" sponsored by the United Front Department of Guangdong provincial Party committee; 2005, small mountain village with Stadium He was selected into the "Sixth National Sports Art Exhibition" and won the excellent works award, and won the "Guangdong Sports Art Exhibition"
      Excellent works award, collected by the Chinese Olympic Committee; logging field was selected into Guangdong Art Exhibition in 2006 and won excellent works Award; in November 2007, it was selected into the 14th Star Group Award sponsored by the Ministry of culture of the people's Republic of China and won the Creation Award (highest award); composition in the sea 2008 In 2011, it was selected into the "national art works exhibition commemorating the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening up" and won the outstanding works Award (the only award); in July 2011, Kaiping blockhouse was selected into the "Centennial storm" Guangdong recent and contemporary major historical theme art works exhibition and won the outstanding works award!

Chen Xu's oil painting "great country craftsman's ambition -- Shenzhong channel theme oil painting series No.01"





      A Soul-catching scraper
      ——Chen Xu's oil painting power
      Comment: Peng Wenbin (art director and curator of Guangzhou Art Fair)
"The book of changes" said: "metaphysics is the way, shape and the lower is the tool.". Metaphysics leads to Tao, while metaphysics leads to skill. As an artist, skill and understanding are indispensable. Concrete painting needs painting skill and understanding of objects. Abstract expression needs philosophical thinking and understanding of nature. Chen Xu is such an artist who easily walks between "Tao" and "technique".
      Chen Xu's oil painting gives nature a kind of subjective imagination to express. It is not completely the imitation of natural color, but the extraction and processing of natural color, to achieve the pursuit of self-image, to integrate the external environment and internal feelings, to create a unique and personalized artistic style.

Chen Xu's oil painting "great country craftsman's ambition -- Shenzhong channel theme oil painting series No.02"

      He combines the rich scenes of life, the fluctuating thoughts of emotion, and the emphasis of historical research. His works reflect the experience of life, which ranges from dramatic images full of desire to intense private spaces full of poetry. The physical state, position, and light and color in the painting space are promoted by his personal aesthetic, making the audience full of art Pleasure. It's either because of his magical and enduring imagination.

Chen Xu's oil painting "great country craftsman's ambition: No.03 oil painting series with theme of Shenzhong channel"

      Chen Xu is good at drawing with a decisive and capable scraper. He is bold and exaggerating with the knife, showing the power of strokes and colors. It contains rhythm and rhythm in the colorful cross echo, and looks for dislocation and touch in the rich contrast between warm and cold. The vivid hue, pure brightness and full concentration are formed according to the situation. It is more mysterious and wonderful because of its many unknowns. For example, "early spring", the flow of color, with the rhythm and tension of life. The picture is full of vitality, which makes those ordinary scenes also emit a strong and strong atmosphere, and makes people feel the power of life and the sprouting of everything in spring, which makes people feel the soul.

Chen Xu's oil painting "great country craftsman's ambition -- Shenzhong channel theme oil painting series No.04"

      The theme creation series of Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge is his important industrial theme masterpiece in recent years. The concise and generalized pictures, strong and bold colors, overlapping accumulation and unrestrained application of black, red and blue blocks all show the artist's heartfelt eulogy and pride for the modern science and technology society.

Chen Xu's oil painting Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge: the third series of composition in the sea

      The colors talk with emotion in the works, and together achieve the infinite extension of the artistic value of Chen Xu's oil paintings. Chen Xu not only uses macro narrative, but also likes to choose a moving part, a very powerful moment to express. In his creation, he grasped different changes, different angles, different lights and shadows, blended the objective things with his subjective feelings, constantly deconstructed and reorganized, and created a bold, flexible, magnificent artistic picture with the significance of the times.

Chen Xu's oil painting Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge: the fourth series of composition in the sea

Chen Xu's oil painting Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge: the fifth series of composition in the sea

Chen Xu's oil painting Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge: the eleventh of the composition series in the sea

Chen Xu's oil painting "Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge -- the 30th of composition series in the sea"
